Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Features: Update Publication & Link to Profile. Issuu Mobile Submitted to Apple.

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Issuu Fresh Off the Press
You Can Now Update Your Publications

Ever wanted to correct a typo or an image in your Issuu publication? Now you can!

Here's how:
  1. Go to My Library and select the publication you want to update.
  2. Select 'More' (or right-click) and choose 'Update publication'.
  3. 'Browse' to the new version and hit 'Upload file'.
That's it. The publication will keep all your comments, stats, and bookmarks. It'll even have the same publication link as before. 

To prevent misuse of this feature we have to change the updated publication's ID number. This means that anyone who has embedded the publication must re-embed it.

Get More Traffic to Your Profile

Some of you may already have noticed the new Info button that now sits on your embedded documents. It replaces the 'Powered by Issuu' watermark shown before.

The new button links to your Issuu profile to give your readers a chance to learn more and subscribe. T
o get the most out of your reader community, make sure your profile has all the relevant information, an image and links.

Issuu Mobile for iPhone Submitted to the App Store

Issuu Mobile for iPhone and iPod Touch has been submitted to Apple! Please help us speed up the approval process and win an iPod Touch 64GB.

Simply click the button below to Tweet and enter the contest.

Apple, please hurry up

Also, make sure to like/share the new video for Issuu Mobile.
Contest rules: You can participate only once a day. The competition ends as soon as Issuu Mobile for iPhone and iPod Touch is approved by Apple and announced on our blog. The winner is drawn randomly. You cannot be employed by Issuu or Apple.

In Other News

12 Months of Issuu Pro in One Click.

Improved Issuu Stats, Now Measuring Downloads

Mashable and O'Reilly: Issuu Mobile "Best Magazine Reader"

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